Consultancy in Custom matters, DGFT matters for obtaining Import Export Code (IEC) for beginners, Advance License, EPCG License etc. We have experts who can render consultancy services with in-depth knowledge of DGFT, Customs and Central Excise rules and regulations, tariff and exemption notifications.
We help you decide what is beneficial and best suited for your organization with respect to obtaining import licenses from the Foreign Trade offices.
We provide compliance services and placement of in-plant compliance experts for day to day compliance activities. We provide compliance solutions for 100% EOU, STPI and SEZ units with in-plant staff having knowledge of procedures and expertise with liaisoning with the Government offices pertaining to the respective regulatory bodies.
We offer warehousing solutions for Customs and private bonded warehouse and management of Customer’s Bonded warehouse in-house asset management, domestic distribution integrated with compliance services. We offer services for necessary approvals through regulatory bodies for obtaining of permissions for new set-up, extension and additional space for bonded warehouses under EOU, EHTP, STPI and SEZ. We provide bonding and de-bonding services for in-bond sale to EOU, STPI , SEZ and DTA.